Course Content
Beginners Level
In this lecture, you will be introduced to CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), the language used to style and design web pages. We will cover the basics of CSS, how it interacts with HTML, and the different ways to apply CSS to a webpage. You’ll also learn: ✅ What CSS is and why it's important ✅ How browsers interpret and apply CSS styles ✅ Different methods of adding CSS (inline, internal, and external) ✅ How to use Canva to understand CSS visually
Beginners Project Based on Previous Lecture
Now that you have completed multiple lessons on CSS fundamentals, selectors, fonts, colors, and box-sizing, it's time to put your knowledge into action with a hands-on beginner-friendly project! This project will help you apply everything you have learned so far to build a visually appealing and structured web layout.
Mastering CSS – From Basics to Advanced (Free Certification Course)
About Lesson

Colors play a vital role in web design, making a website more engaging and visually appealing. In this lecture, we will explore how to use CSS colors effectively to enhance your designs.

Topics Covered:

✅ Different ways to define colors in CSS:

  • Named Colors (e.g., red, blue, green)
  • Hexadecimal (#ff5733)
  • RGB (rgb(255, 87, 51))
  • HSL (hsl(9, 100%, 60%))
    ✅ How to use opacity and transparency
    ✅ The difference between background-color, color, and border-color
    ✅ Creating gradients (linear and radial) for modern designs
    ✅ Best color combinations and accessibility tips
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